friends of TEDxbristol partner

As a specialist presentation company based in Bristol, being a Friends of TEDxBristol 2019 Partner is a no-brainer.

For the past 20 years we have assisted presenters around the world uncover and deliver their unique stories and have amplified these stories by designing the most compelling, enthralling visual aids possible.  

Why? Communications associate partner

WHY works with leaders in technology companies to communicate WHY their offering is valuable.

Whether communicating with customers, shareholders, potential investors or recruits, answering the question WHY? helps you articulate your unique proposition.

Bristol Media member

Bristol Media is an ambitious industry led membership organisation and one of the largest creative networks in the UK. Our primary role is to facilitate collaboration and growth within the region, delivering a yearly programme of projects, events and opportunities. Bristol is home to some of the UK’s most innovative, inspirational, creative and award winning businesses and we are proud that many of them are part of our community.

It’s a Shovel - #ReputationWithPurpose

Success in today’s uncertain times requires a new approach to business. 

Building and maintaining the support of your most important stakeholders has become mission critical and your reputation is now your most valuable asset.

Purpose drives Reputation

Reputation drives Performance

Performance drives Impact
